Thursday, September 11, 2008

Okay so now we're off?

So it's not sorted, and it's not done. But if I don't post it I will not ever post it and won't be reminded to keep going. So I post a work in progress. I will hopefully have some time this weekend.


1.Learn Dream Weaver
2.Learn Filemaker Pro 9.0
3.Learn more about digiscrapping. Make a Digi scrapbook...honeymoon? china?
4.Figure out what I want to do with my life.
5.If that involves more school...figure out what it would take to get accepted, apply
6.Save a dollar a day (transfer $7 a week into savings)
7.Regularly update life journal
8.Go to the gym
9.Walk somewhere 3x per week
10.Drink nothing but water for 2 weeks 6x

11.Use every single new kitchen gadget and all the old neglected ones too (I'm looking at your crockpot)
12.Create nighttime kitchen cleanup routine
13.Create Cleaning schedule that is NOT dependent on houseguests
14.Buy Low Boy/Buffet

15.Get Pregnant
16.Take a grant writing workshop
17.Participate in a Theatrical Production again
18.Find a hobby
19.Print and frame the family wedding pictures in frame
20.Finish thank you cards well before 1st anniversary(preferably LONG before)

21.Donate $5 for every uncompleted thing at the end of the 1001 days
22. Find a new job
23. Create a 5 minutes of tidy every night routine
24. Go to Vegas
25. Go to NF
26. Create a paper system and stick with it
27. Pick out Thank You Cards
29. Buy a bike
30. Send Christmas Cards
31. Coordinate Christmas in Sask well in advance,
32. Create a photo system
33. print out wedding photos
34. blow up and frame wedding photo
35. pick out pictures for wedding albums
36. plan 40th wedding anniversary party for parents
37. come up with kick a$$ present for them
38. Find a Dentist repeat if we move cities
39. Go for at least 2 cleanings preferably 3
40. Deal with popping jaw
41. Find a Doctor I like
42. Go get a baseline checkup
43. Go back to chiropractor
44. Make a will
45. Storage systems that make sense. Put things back where they belong when done.
46. Actually use the cloth bags we have for grocerys and curb our terrible bag habit
47. Set up the balcony to make it an extra living space
48. Grow a herb gardern (with Dave)
49. Take a dance class
50. Do 5 things in the lower mainland, tourist wise that we have never done before (0/5)
51. Eat at 10 new restaurants (0/10)
52. Take better care of my skin: Mosterize entire body at least 2x per week
53. Floss at least once every two weeks, try and get it to once a week.
54. Cut and colour hair 2x per year
55.Learn how to wax my own legs
56. Learn how to do something that relaxes me and creates something
57. Go out on a date with Dave at least one time per week. OR stay in, but it has to be a date
58. Go to Winnipeg
59. Use up Jan's wedding gift of a week at a resort
60. Do one load of laundry during each work week.
61. Put laundry away after folding it.